Tuesday, April 10, 2007


On Friday, we crossed the Russian-Kazakh border and arrived in Astana, the new capital of Kazakhstan. The funny thing is that this city was nothing more than a village about 10 years ago, till the President declared it to be the new capital. As a consequence, the "new city" was mainly established or build in the last few years. An example of the vision of Astana as the new capital is Bayterek, the tower with the golden egg on top. From this egg, you can see the headoffice of the state oil company, the defense ministry, the ministry of foreign affairs and the Presidents palace while turning 360 degrees. The golden egg stands for all wishes of mankind, unreachable up in a tree. Or so I was told. In this egg, you can put your hand in the presidents hand mall and make a wish. By doing so, your wish will - obviously - come true.


1 comment:

Hans Breuer said...

Schoen, dass du dir etwas wuenschen konntest. Damit ist deine Zukunft ja gesichert. Gluecksvogel.
Apropos Tiere. Wir konnten einem kamel die "Hand" reichen, um es zu einem Trab zu animieren.
Der Besuch des Ei's kam natuerlich zu Ostern zum richtigen Zeitpunkt.
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deine Eltern Anneke & hans